Sunday, March 31, 2013

Meditation & Astral Projecting

   Meditation is a term used for a wide variety of practices that are used many people from different walks of life, cultures, & regions of the earth. This isnt an essay so I won't be writing any definitions or giving any boring Wiki "facts" about meditation... these are just my thoughts, experiences, &

       I am a former "Christian" and in Christianity, we prayed and meditation is considered evil or something that devil worshippers took part in, so before a few months ago, I never attempted & I stayed away from it because of my "religion". After years of battling with my beliefs & common sense, I began researching and stopped beLIEving in Jesus. I decided to stop praying (begging) for answers and I started demanding them. And it was literally over night that I woke up & was lead to this YouTube video...

   I watched a few more of his videos & came across a few other YouTube channels that were similar. tried meditation for the first time & I loved the feeling that came over my mind and body. The calmness, relaxation, & the oneness I felt is something that I still can't explain til this day. A little while after beginning to meditate, I learned about atral projecting & experiencing OBE (out of body experiences). I learned that through meditation, it was possible to have an OBE or to astral project.

   I wasn't a stranger to OBEs but I've always had the idea that it was a myth or something evil. The thought of living my physical body used to scare me until I started to learn the truth about the atral world & what we "humans" really are. I won't go into that here, maybe another post.

   YouTube was not my only source of information, just in case you were wondering. :) I read a few books & read articles as well. I prefer videos because there is only so much you can learn about the astral world in books. However, I did reference a few books. There is this one by Albert Taylor called Soul Traveler, which I'd heard many of people refer to before I decided to read it on my own.
Taylor is a former NASA aeronautical engineer and space researcher & in this book he offers an account of his own incredible flights of "soul travel"--and shows us how we too can develop this life-changing ability. If you sign below, I will send you FREE pdf of the book. It is a must read!

   Astral Projection - The Naked Truth is a great audio set that provides great information on experiences with astral projection & lucid dreaming. If you are interested in furthering your knowledge & actually experience OBE's & lucid dreams for yourself, then this is for you! You can get it here Astral Projecting - The Naked Truth.

The last one is a audio & book set called Lucid Dreaming Made Easy... it is another must have if your serious about lucid dreaming astral projection. You won't be able to put it down trust me... I'm still on it right now. I don't mention things I haven't experienced personally, I like to be able to discuss whatever I post in full detail, if need be.... you can get this set here; Lucid Dream Made Easy

    I try to meditate daily, specifically early in the am when I wake up. I've read & heard many say that it is best to attempt an OBE when you have had a nap or been asleep to keep from dozing off. I've never experienced and actual OBE but  have gotten very close. I got too excited, the sensations I was feeling were so overwhelming that I freaked out. I haven't gotten that close again but next time I will not chicken out, I will follow through. I do have very vivid dreams, though. And I can tell a difference in my dreams when I meditate & when I skip a session. 

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